Letter From Jim Cooper

After writing Jim Cooper about SOPA, I recieved the following email. It pays lip service to free speech, but he still co-sponsors the legislation.

RE: Your recent message

Dear Mr. King:

Thank you for taking the time to contact me about H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act. As the Representative for Music City, I am honored to represent so many creative people, and I take intellectual property protection and enforcement very seriously.

This bill authorizes the U.S. Department of Justice to file a civil action for injunctive relief against foreign-based websites that are dedicated to copyright infringement. If a court issues an order against such a website, the Justice Department can effectively shut down the site by alerting Internet service providers, payment processors, online advertising providers, and search engines. This bill similarly gives rights-holders, like performers and songwriters in Nashville, a course of action that allows them to block advertisers and payment processors from doing business with these rogue sites.

I, too, worry that broad enforcement measures can oftentimes be overreaching, and have the potential to be abused by those tasked with enforcement. We must not undermine the spirit of the Internet while we work to protect creators here at home.

The Stop Online Privacy Act has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. Although I am not a member of that Committee, I will do my part to make sure that the legislation is not used to stifle legitimate free speech, and I will advocate for protections in the bill that will prevent potential abuse.

Thanks again for sharing your views with me. Please don't hesitate to contact me in the future.

Jim Cooper
Member of Congress

Email from Jim Cooper on December 14,2011
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